Do you or someone you know suffer from painful bunions? While they’re a quite common foot deformity, people unnecessarily suffer with pain for years before seeking treatment. Da Vinci Foot and Ankle specializes in both conservative treatments and bunion surgical options to effectively correct and eliminate painful bunions.
Do You Have a Bunion?
Bunions can form in individuals of all ages, attributing to both cosmetic concerns and pain with shoes and activities. Bunions are prominent bony structures that protrude at the base of the big toe or side of the foot. While they are easy to see, in order to fully evaluate your condition, foot and ankle surgeons Dr. Allison Menke and Dr. Christopher Menke, will take x-rays to discern your particular case and needs.
Treatment and Surgical Options
Da Vinci Foot and Ankle aims to treat bunions as effectively as possible before discussing surgical options. After evaluation, our Doctors can offer multiple bunion defense options such as: exercises, footwear fitting, anti-inflammatory prescriptions, toe separators and self-adhesive bandaging.
While early treatments are aimed at easing bunion pain, they won’t reverse the deformity itself. When the pain of a bunion interferes with daily activities, it’s time to discuss surgical options with Da Vinci Foot and Ankle. Furthermore, recent advances in surgical techniques have led to a very high success rate in treating bunions, with the goal of these corrections is the elimination of pain. Together we can decide if surgery is best for you! Make your appointment below…
Got Bunions? Call Today
Da Vinci Foot and Ankle Lake Oconee
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