
Eradicate Heel Spurs Now

Stabbing pain, inflammation, swelling and having difficulty walking are just a few symptoms of heel spurs. A heel spur can be experienced in a couple of different ways.  One of the most common is in the back of the heel (referred to as Achilles Tendonitis). The other is felt on the bottom of the heel (referred to […]

Goal Crushing Set-Backs and How to Stay on Track

You’ve just completed your first full month of consistent exercise and BAM you sprain your ankle or break your toe. This is a goal–crushers greatest set-back. But what happens when you begin your long journey of recovery? Stagnation, muscular atrophy and a dwindling desire to accomplish your pre-set goals. While most people would use their […]

Lake Ready with KeryFlex

3 Post Mothers Day Questions! 1. Did you go to the Lake to celebrate or to be celebrated yesterday? 2. Did you find yourself hiding your toenails? 3. Did you know we offer a SUPER simple, pain-free, procedure-free solution? From discoloration to damage from old fungus, KeryFlex can bring your toenails back to life and […]

Is Winter Still Stuck on Your Feet? Solution to Dry, Cracked Heels

Having dry skin is one thing, but when dry skin turns into flaking, peeling, and even painful cracking you’ve got a problem on your hands (or should we say feet). With rising temperatures here in Georgia and Lake season in FULL effect, we want to give you all the tools you need to restore and […]

Heel Wearers – Tips for the High Heel Lover

Well, Spring has officially sprung and many of our patients are transitioning their closets to open toe shoes, summer wedges and heels! It’s amazing that we willingly wear shoes that can hurt so much. Many times it’s difficult to tell the damage that’s occurring to our feet while wearing heels until we get home and […]

Put Some Spring in Your Step With Orthotics

It’s officially SPRING and all of us at Da Vinci Foot and Ankle are excited to help you enjoy every moment of this season! Have you felt that you’ve lost that “spring” in your step over the winter? If you’re suffering from heel and foot pain or have experienced chronic issues in your ankles, knees, hips […]

Da Vinci Day is TODAY – What Not to MISS!

We are THRILLED to host our very first official Da Vinci Day! Here’s what you need to know and what you CAN’T MISS OUT ON! Visit any one of our locations below and enjoy! (This is a ONE DAY SALE) Giveaway Announcement For the past month we have been running a giveaway and we will […]

Spring Cleaning – Our 4 Rules of Thumb

 It’s almost Spring and for most of us the closet cleaning has begun! When it comes to purging, it’s important that your footwear is not overlooked. Here are 4 rules of thumb to go by when spring cleaning your shoe closet this year! 4 Spring Cleaning Tips  1. Out With the Old, In With the […]

Aging and Your Feet – 4 Problems and Our Solutions

When most people think of anti-aging, they think of protecting and reversing the signs of age on the outer appearance of their skin. In most cases, one would think about their face, neck and hands. But have you ever thought about the effects of aging on your feet? More importantly, how to protect your feet […]

Diabetic Foot Care and Guidelines

Da Vinci Foot and Ankle is proud to offer diabetic foot care services to our patients. Diabetes can cause a plethora of damage to the body including nerve damage. This damage can cause patients to lose feeling in their feet, making it difficult for them to notice small sores or injuries. This can lead to […]