
Did the Grinch Bring You Gout?

It is certainly the BEST time of the year (besides your birthday, of course). But for many, the Holiday’s can bring on a sudden case of GOUT…booo! What is Gout? Gout is a type of inflammatory arthritis that occurs when uric acid levels in the blood become too high (typically due to dietary intake) and […]

The Importance of Being Fitted for Running Shoes

And just like that 2018 is fading away and a new year is about to come into existence! We’ll go out on a limb here and guess that one of your personal goals for 2019 is to ‘get in better shape’ or ‘join that gym’ or ‘be more active’. Did we get it right? It’s […]

5 Ways to Party Proof Your Feet

With the Holiday’s in full effect, for many of us this means dancing the night away at festive parties, family reunions and hectic shopping expeditions. With all these activities our feet often take a beating. Here are our top tips for taking care of your feet this Holiday season: 5 Ways to Party Proof Your Feet […]

Hammertoes – Everything You Need to Know

Do your toes hurt all of the time? Even when wearing loose fitting slippers, do you feel like your toes have no room to spread out? You may have a hammertoe! What are Hammertoes? Hammertoes are a contracture or bending of one of the smaller toes (most commonly the second toe). When a person has […]

Holiday Gift Guide – Da Vinci Foot and Ankle

With the Holiday’s inching closer each day becomes more exciting and simultaneously more stressful as we try to pick the perfect gifts for our family members and friends. Look no further. We have put together our very own Holiday Gift Guide, stocking stuffers included. Below are some of our most raved about products and footwear […]

Tailors Bunion – How We Can Help!

TAILOR’S BUNION Tailor’s Bunion, also called a bunionette, is an enlargement of the fifth metatarsal bone at the base of the little toe. Why is it called a tailor’s bunion? Centuries ago, tailors sat cross-legged all day with the outside edge of their feet rubbing on the ground which caused a painful bump to form at […]

Big Toe Pain? Is it Hallux Rigidus?

There are an array of factors that can contribute to big toe pain and sometimes it can be difficult to distinguish between hallux rigidus – a disorder of the joint that is located at the base of the big toe or a bunion – a bony bump that forms on the joint where your big toe […]

Scarier Than Ghouls and Goblins – Toenail Fungus

With Halloween approaching this week we are sure to see some scary things, but ghosts and goblins don’t compare to the fright of contracting a toenail fungus! Toenail fungus can be extremely difficult to eradicate and can cause a great deal of pain. Not to mention, its unsightly appearance causing those who have it to […]

Ankle Fracture – Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

When one or more of the bones that make up the ankle joint are broken, it is identified as an “ankle fracture”. A fractured ankle can range from a small break in one bone to several full breaks in multiple bones. Both are extremely painful and can affect people of all ages. When dealing with […]

5 Products We Love and Carry at Da Vinci Foot and Ankle

At Da Vinci Foot and Ankle our Podiatrists- Dr. Christopher Menke and Dr. Allison Menke- carefully hand select every product that is used at each of our locations. When it comes to treating our patients, we have a high standard of quality and filter everything we use or sell through that standard.  Because we want […]