
6 Things Runners Can Do to Prevent Foot and Leg Cramps

Foot and Leg cramps are painful muscle spasms that develop seemingly out of the blue. These muscle cramps not only interrupt your exercise, they can cause injury to the muscle fibers and lead to more serious issues down the road if they go unaddressed. From shallow breathing to dehydration, foot and leg cramps while running […]

Orthotics : Are You a Candidate?

If you’re suffering from heel and foot pain or have experienced chronic issues in your ankles, knees, hips or lower back with seemingly no solution, you may be a candidate for over-the-counter or custom-fitted orthotics. From fixing flat feet to alleviating high arches, orthotics can help to mold your feet as they were originally intended […]

Could Your Pain Be a Heel Spur?

Waking up in the morning should be something we all look forward to. But for some of us, just the thought of our first steps out of bed could make us quiver. If you experience a sharp, stabbing sensation in your heels with each step you take, you might have heel spurs. What are Heel […]

What a Callus Really is and How We Can Help

What Really is a Callus? A callus is an area of thickened skin that forms as a response to repeated friction, pressure, or other irritation. Calluses are usually pale in color or may even resemble a yellow tint. They feel harder than the skin around them and are typically less sensitive to touch. A callus […]

5 Simple Stretches for Happy Ankles

The risk of an ankle sprain increases with age when supporting muscles weaken and there is a lack of care to stretch, engage and strengthen the ankle ligaments and structure. As dooming as this may sound, you can help prevent not only ankle sprains, but a weakening ankle system all together with simple stretching and […]

7 Ways to Avoid Athlete’s Foot

This month summer officially begins and with warmer temperatures comes less protection for our feet. With many of us visiting public beaches, pools, gyms and more frequently walking around barefoot, there is a greater chance of contracting a nasty fungus, namely: athlete’s foot. What is Athlete’s Foot? Athlete’s foot is a highly contagious fungal infection […]

Dangers of Flip-Flops: America’s Favorite Summer Shoe

With temperatures rising, our wardrobes change significantly, and footwear is no exception. Before you grab your flip-flops, we urge you to take caution when choosing your every-day “shoes” this summer. Long term flip-flop use can not only be bad for your feet, but can also effect other parts of your body from your ankles and […]

Misaligned Feet = Misaligned Body

Did you know the 52 bones in our feet make up a quarter of the bones in our entire body? Our feet play a huge role in the proper alignment of everything else all the way up to our heads. It’s very possible that the pain you feel in your knee, hip, side or even […]

Morning Foot Care Routine

If you experience foot pain before you ever even get out of bed, there is a good chance you need to incorporate this “Morning Foot Care” routine into your daily doings. Morning foot pain can be caused by many conditions from tight ligaments/muscles to severe plantar fasciitis or even simply just plain old inflammation. Standing […]

Vein Solution- Laser Treatment for Unsightly Veins

Tired of trying to hide those pesky leg veins? We’ve got a quick and painless solution for you. Enjoy wearing your shorts and skirts this summer! Spider Veins are the most common type of visible vein. Spider veins are really tiny veins that are in the outer layer of skin close to the surface, so […]