
Thick Toenails – Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment

Thick toenails are a common problem, particularly in the elderly population. While they develop slowly over time, it may be tempting to ignore them, however; addressing them as soon as possible is important. Thickening toenails are usually an indication of a more serious underlying cause. The most common causes of thickened toenails are fungal infections […]

Ingrown Toenails – Symptoms and Solutions

Ingrown toenails are no joke! They can hurt terribly and lead to infections if not cared for properly. An ingrown toenail happens when the corner of the affected toenail begins growing into the soft flesh surrounding it. This can lead to symptoms like pain, swelling, redness, and even an increased risk of infection. In the […]

Hammertoes End Here

Do your toes hurt all of the time? Even while you’re wearing loose fitting footwear, do you feel like your toes have no room to spread out? You may have hammertoes! Good news…we have an “easy button” for those! Well, maybe not an actual easy button, but we certainly have a variety of options to […]

The Dangers of Untreated Plantar Fasciitis

Our bodies are amazingly designed and have been equipped to heal themselves from injuries and deficits that occur. Bones can re-grow themselves, wounds close up, and your ever-fighting immune system hijacks any sickness that comes to destroy you. While our bodies have been designed to take care of themselves, there are some injuries that simply […]

Healthy, Happy Feet for the Next 10 Years

Our ‘New Year’s Resolution’ is to help you have Healthy and Happy Feet for the next decade! Happy 2020! SIMPLE TIPS FOR 2020 Can you believe another decade has passed? While time can seem to fly right by us, it somehow simultaneously sticks to our skin and body’s through aging. That’s right, your feet are […]

Winterize Your Cars…And Feet This Year

Winter is upon us and that means freezing temperatures, snow, and icy conditions (yes EVEN in Georgia). It’s amazing that the first thing we think of when winter arrives is our cars. We make sure the tires are properly inflated for the cold, we check the anti-freeze/oil/battery to make sure they are up to speed. […]

10 Tips for Traveling Feet – In Flight Foot Health

10 TIPS FOR TRAVELING Feet When it comes to holiday traveling, we are usually so focused on the hustle and bustle that we rarely pay attention to our foot health until we’ve arrived to our destination suffering in pain.  Sitting in an upright, cramped position with little room to move in-flight, can leave us stiff & achy […]

Tailor’s Bunion? We Can Help You!

Tailor’s Bunion, also called a bunionette, is an enlargement of the fifth metatarsal bone at the base of the little toe. Why is it called a tailor’s bunion? Centuries ago, tailors sat cross-legged all day with the outside edge of their feet rubbing on the ground which caused a painful bump to form at the base […]

Avoid Gout This Thanksgiving

An amazing array of foods, a few drinks and watching an epic game of football might be your perfect Thanksgiving day, but it could also be the perfect recipe for gout. With Thanksgiving kicking off this week, and family gathering, it could be easy to forget about the risks and triggers of gout when you’re […]

4 Non-Traditional Ways to Get 15 Minutes of Exercise

With Thanksgiving being just a week away and the brand new year beginning in just over a month, there’s no better time to get that heart rate pumping and set yourself up for the health and wellness your body deserves. For many of us, getting into a solid exercise routine is difficult. Some of you […]