
6 Things Runners Can Do to Prevent Foot and Leg Cramps

Foot and Leg cramps are painful muscle spasms that develop seemingly out of the blue. These muscle cramps not only interrupt your exercise, they can cause injury to the muscle fibers and lead to more serious issues down the road if they go unaddressed. From shallow breathing to dehydration, foot and leg cramps while running […]

Orthotics : Are You a Candidate?

If you’re suffering from heel and foot pain or have experienced chronic issues in your ankles, knees, hips or lower back with seemingly no solution, you may be a candidate for over-the-counter or custom-fitted orthotics. From fixing flat feet to alleviating high arches, orthotics can help to mold your feet as they were originally intended […]

Could Your Pain Be a Heel Spur?

Waking up in the morning should be something we all look forward to. But for some of us, just the thought of our first steps out of bed could make us quiver. If you experience a sharp, stabbing sensation in your heels with each step you take, you might have heel spurs. What are Heel […]

Dry, Cracked Feet? Here are Solutions!

Having dry skin is one thing, but when dry skin turns into flaking, peeling, and even painful cracking you’ve got a problem on your hands (or should we say feet). While there are many causes of deeply dry skin, including genetics, age, and health conditions like eczema and diabetes, the result is the same for […]

7 Ways to Keep Your Shoes Odor Free

It’s that time of year again! The weather begins to shift to warmer temps and our shoes shift from winter boots to spring sneakers/shoes. As I’m sure many of you have noticed, there’s been a trend for the past few years; wearing sneakers and shoes without socks or stockings. While it looks more stylish, it […]

Toenail Fungus: Easy to Catch, Hard to Kill

Sandal season or not, toenail fungus is easy to catch and very difficult to eliminate. Toenails that are infected can not only be extremely painful, but they are unsightly, causing those who have them to constantly worry about hiding their feet in public from embarrassment. This is certainly no way to live, and we are […]