10 Summer Foot Care Tips for 2021

We are just days before Summer 2021 is here and things are looking so much brighter this year. We all remember last summer during the pinnacle of COVID-19 where beaches and lakes were closed, and most summer activities were shut down. Well now, our beautiful public spaces are opening back up and our feet are going to once again receive maximum exposure to elements like sand at the beach, chlorine in the swimming pool, wood on the boardwalk and rays from the sun – not to mention the critical gazes of our family and friends (most of us haven’t pampered our feet in a while!). Have no fear, here are 10 Summer Foot Care Tips to get your feet feeling healthy and looking beautiful before their grand appearance.

10 Summer Foot Care Tips to Put Your Best Foot Forward

1. Always wear shoes. The idea of going barefoot around the Lake (or other vacation spot) might sound great, but the reality is that it can be hazardous (especially for those with diabetes). Bare feet are vulnerable to sunburn and injuries from broken glass and objects, as well as conditions like athlete’s foot, ringworm and plantar warts. We suggest you always wear flip-flops pool/lakeside and especially in any type of community environment (such as at a waterpark or a gym).

2. Keep blood circulating. If you are traveling for more than 2 hours via car or other transportation method, make sure to stretch your legs, do ankle rolls, and bend your knees several times per hour. This will help with circulation, stiffness, blood clots and swelling. Flex, extend and contract your muscles as often as you can.

In Flight Foot Health

3. Prevent blisters from ruining your summer fun by wearing comfortable, supportive shoes that fit properly (of course we recommend Vionic’s, see why here). You should also be sure to bring several pairs of shoes on vacation so you can frequently switch them out if one begins causing problems. If you plan to wear new shoes, always wear them a few days prior to vacationing so that you can see how they will affect your feet. Blisters are also formed through excessive sweat and friction.

4. Powder your feet before and after long walks. This will help to absorb the sweat on your feet and in your shoes. We also recommend packing Zorpads. You can pick them up at any of our Da Vinci Foot and Ankle locations and place them in any style or size shoe. These tiny patches can absorb odors for up to 60 sweaty wears without you even feeling them under your feet (watch Zorpads inventors speak about their product on live TV here).

5. Make a frozen water bottle stack – Take a few bottles of water and stick them in your freezer. After a day out, take one and roll it back and forth underneath the arch and heel to massage tired, sore feet. This will greatly help with soreness, inflammation and plantar tightness.

6. Stay hydrated! Drink plenty of water (whether you’re thirsty or not). Staying hydrated throughout the day will not only reduce foot swelling caused by the summer heat, but it will also benefit your overall health.

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7. Beautiful feet begin with clean feet. Foot hygiene is very important and sadly they get overlooked 9 times out of 10 in the shower! Make it a point to wash your feet in the shower with soap, scrub in between your toes and dry them completely when you get out.

8. Use a foot scrub to exfoliate your skin. Here is a simple DIY foot soak you can use finding all the ingredients in your kitchen!

9. Moisturize dry skin daily. Use a pumice stone on your calluses and an over-the-counter liquid bandage to heal and seal those heel cracks. We offer many great products in all of our offices to keep your feet moisturized and callus free!

10. Self-Massage – a self-administered foot massage can stimulate blood flow and improve the appearance of your feet. If you have coconut oil at home, you can take a dab and give yourself a 5 minute self-care massage focusing on the middle of your arches. This will loosen tight muscles and it’s just a nice way to end your day!


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, GA 706-597-0102

, GA 706-999-9994