
8 Amazing Facts About Your Feet

Our feet are unfairly forgotten body parts a lot of the time. We tend to forget about intentionally washing them in the shower, we seem to become “bathroom doctors” instead of going to a professional when it comes to them and rarely do they get self-love outside of the routine pedicure (if even that for […]

Heel Pain – When Surgery is Necessary

Heel pain can be terribly painful and even debilitating if left untreated. For many who experience pain in and around the heel area, it is most likely what is known as plantar fasciitis (inflammation to the plantar fascia ligament). Plantar Fasciitis Plantar Fasciitis is most commonly caused by strain or injury to the tissue in the […]

Laser Treatment for Hair Removal

Maintaining a hairless appearance can be nearly impossible and can turn into a full-time job if you let it. Constantly shaving and waxing can add strain to your skin, and leave you spending even more money on skincare in the end with upkeep. Luckily, there is a permanent hair removal solution: The Cutera XEO Laser The […]

Could You Have a Morton’s Neuroma? Symptoms, Causes and Treatment!

A Morton’s neuroma is a non-cancerous thickening of nerve tissue along the foot that carries sensations from the toes.  Once swelling begins, the nearby bones and ligaments put pressure on the nerve, causing inflammation and terrible irritation. This produces symptoms like burning pain, numbness, tingling and other abnormal sensations in the toes.    NEUROMA SYMPTOMS A […]

5 Foot Care Tips for Fall

The beginning of Fall is just weeks away, kicking off the official start of boot season. Soon the weather will be shifting as much as our wardrobes and it’s the perfect time to put some practical steps in place to keep your feet looking and feeling their best through the season. 5 Fall Foot Care […]

Bunion Surgery – Is it right for you?

Do you or someone you know suffer from painful bunions? While they’re a quite common foot deformity, people unnecessarily suffer with pain for years before seeking treatment. Da Vinci Foot and Ankle specializes in both conservative treatments and bunion surgical options to effectively correct and eliminate painful bunions. Do You Have a Bunion? Bunions can form in individuals […]

Laser Treatment For Scars – Da Vinci Foot and Ankle

While some consider scars something to be proud of (like a battle wound), for others, scars are unpleasant reminders of trauma or accidents that were out of their control. Scars can be unsightly and embarrassing at times and until recently there haven’t been many effective methods to get rid of them for good. Da Vinci […]

Da Vinci Foot and Ankle – More Than Podiatry

About Us At Da Vinci Foot and Ankle, Dr. Christopher Menke and Dr. Allison Menke (brother and sister) started with a vision that medical practices need to get back to being truly patient care driven. Their mission is to establish tailored treatment options for patients with foot and ankle ailments. Not every patient is the […]

5 Big Toe Bummers – Common Causes of Big Toe Pain

Our big toes are a surprisingly sensitive part of our bodies. Even the tiniest problem can cause us terrible pain. In this blog, we’re going to give an overview of some of the most common causes of big toe pain and their solutions. 5 Big Toe Bummers Ingrown Toenails An ingrown toenail happens when the […]

Back to School Foot Health – Guidelines for new shoes

Here we are again, quickly approaching the start of a new school year. Teachers are prepping, parents are shopping and kids are, well, GROWING. From toddlers to high school students, the one thing we can count on is that their feet have grown since the year before. It’s important to evaluate your children’s shoes before […]